Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 15: Manchester Beach to Bodega Dunes. Trip total 1719km

There was very little between Manchester Beach and Bodega Dunes except open pastures so I had to take advantage of any little gas station or general store that popped up to keep my fuel replenished. Otherwise I enjoyed a nice boring ride in the morning with the cows and (mostly) sunshine.

In the afternoon the two-lane number 1 highway with no shoulder and infrequent guardrails decided to test my vertigo and steering ability by sending me up and down switchbacks for several kilometres right along a cliff edge. It was more than a little nerve-racking. I kept thinking about how I meant to switch out my brake pads because they felt like they might be losing traction. I was thinking about how I haven't tightened up my wheel skewers in a while, or how I've noticed my gears starting to skip around if I'm going fast over uneven surfaces. I was thinking how I can't see what's on the road beyond that next curve.

I was thinking of all the things that could send me flying in a split second over the side off the cliff and there wasn't a thing I could about any of them (aside from walking my bike, which wasn't gonna happen).

Anyway, I survived, and it was worth it for the incredible views...

Leaving Manchester Beach, into the unknown...

Yup, that just goes straight down


We survived

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